109 East 17th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001blockchain@SecureX.com

What does SecureX have to do with any of this?

SecureX is a Blockchain-based set of features and utilities that are assembled to address the malevolent Internet uses described above, and create instead benevolent technical intelligence solutions. To really grasp these examples, it is best to visit https://www.secx.net/domains.

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When will SecureX begin assembling its Collaborative Team Trusts for each of its Domains (Verticals), and how do I get involved?

The Advisory Board of SecureX Networks will vote and prioritize which Verticals will be addressed in which order, with completion targeted for which dates. If you’d like to be involved, please indicate your interest by completing the form here.

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What are the benefits of using a Blockchain?

Blockchain technology is a natural evolution of the mass-connected Internet technology, as a means to clean up any current tendencies for the Internet’s malevolent use which, as it is now, enable corruption, misrepresentation and personal surveillance.

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How will the SECX tokens be mined, generated and used on the Blockchain?

This question is a significantly important one. But it contains proprietary information that may be unique to the SecureX business model, patent-pending or otherwise. As such, this is a high-level explanation to this question:

RE: Mining
Unlike most blockchain deployments thus far, the mining process to authenticate and post to the chain is not compulsory with SECX, as the rendering of the Ethereum Blockchain fuels all movement of all Tokenized Smart Contracts through Ether as Gas. The specific Contract for the SecureXVault uses an ERC 2212 Standard Tokenized Smart Contract which has the programmable feature to mathematically allow for Staking as a directive.

RE: Staking
In this case the directive is to produce a virtual copy of a Volumetric Masternode without actually needing a Masternode (VPN Running Full PeerNode + a fixed amount of Tokens), but instead just HODL (holds for a fixed time) the tokens together in a Wallet of any type with a minimum block of 10k SECX Tokens or more for a period of 1 year. That block of SECX tokens by Weight and Volume gives Birth to new Tokens to the 18th Decimal at 13% of the Beginning Weight of 10k Tokens or More on day 367. This allows one to remove that extra 13% of Tokens to do as you wish with them, or alternatively allow them to Compound along with the Original Amount, for another year.

RE: Ecological Footprint

Thus, as indicated, NO mining is needed as this process is automatic and pre-programmed across the chain to occur accordingly. This is a proven, elegantly virtual copy of the PIVX/DASH Model Masternode, but in a Smart Contract and completely green, as in Energy Free, since the Ethereum Blockchain uses the Driver and Ether as the fuel. Remember Ether goes to the POS Casper Protocol soon and makes the Ethereum Blockchain Green and POS as well. Thus, this deployment is guilt-free.

RE: Staked Tokens

The Staked Tokens will be extracted and held by the Account HODLers and Accounts will produce annual Interest at 13% for the HODLers. The Staked Tokens and the Tokens sold in the IEO will be the Traded Tokens. The HODLers will Primarily be accounts held by Friends and Family and Friends and Family Members of all those Friends and Family (the “Team”). It is anticipated that only a few individuals will go to the Exchange and buy 10k SECX Tokens, then remove them from the Exchange in order to create Staking Accounts of 10k SECX Tokens or more.

RE: Buy Backs & Burns

Annually SecureX Networks will take Profits from the incremental revenues generated by the SecureX Verticals (domains) and perform Buy Backs of SECX Tokens and Public Burns of those Bought Tokens. This creates a Rarity of SECX Tokens and also offers the Staking (13%) as an Anti-Inflationary Measure. This makes the Tokens very viable and the Accounts that Stake as Basic Money Machines producing value annually. They are expensive to obtain unless you vest early in the process.

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