The SecureX MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
The SecureX MVP is the core of the SecureX Business. It is our centerpiece from which all blessings flow. It is the ultimate combo: the SecureXVault (biometric wallet for the SECX token and all your crypto currencies, including Bitcoin), combined with the SecureXDex (DoubleEdge Aggregator that allows you to swap between your coins), combined with the SecureXProfile (where your unique requests and requirements are stored).
At SecureX we are building a Biometric (Client-side Multisignature Cryptocurrency) Bitcoin Wallet which will prevent losses such as this (click here), and make it easier for Mom and Pops to enter into HODLing Bitcoin (holding Crypto for the long term) without the worry of remembering Passwords… plus it will be Quantum Resistant, protecting your Bitcoin (and all other Cryptos) from the Quantum Attack Vector which currently plagues 3.9 Million Bitcoins (primarily the Satoshi Bitcoin plus early mined BTC from 2010 that have never moved).
This wallet is called the SecureX Vault and …it will have a built in DoubleEdge Aggregator for converting Crypto (Decentralized Trading as built by Alon Goren of Draper, Goren, Holm) plus a Covenant Feature (SecureCovenant) for creating in Real Time a Last Will & Testament in order to Assign a Beneficiary (Deed) the Wealth (Bitcoin and all of your Crypto within the wallet), bypassing Probate, recorded and tokenized on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Sean Brizendine on January 18, 2021
Blockchain Director
SecureX Vault, LLC

SecureX Domain Trusts (Vertical Markets)
The SecureX Domain Trusts represent a Mythos of NEW, blockchain-based relationship tools, formerly called Business Models, that are all highly-disruptive, altruistic makeovers for individuals, businesses, communities and industries throughout the world. They represent an understanding of the inseparable relationship between Gaia and Human, plant and animal; that only Human has created division and separateness and that, in order to save and advance the wellbeing of Humanity, all sentient creatures must be reunited and remembered, thus reconnected.
To do this requires the retooling and authenticating of most social institutional roles, beliefs and understandings, and the REAL data that binds them ~ a truth for which the Blockchain is uniquely qualified to amass and validate. There is no one-fix for all. Rather each must be simultaneously revisited and re-birthed.
Such is the nature of this collective of SecureX Domain Trusts.
Similar to the “centralized” database functionality of AirBnB (see also in the list attached and below), where customers and lodging purveyors alike, rate each other and build a consensus of trustworthiness within their closed community, all of the SecureX Domains will provide similar consensus-building functionality. But with SecureX, you also get the benefits of the Blockchain: “decentralized” (and thus immutable – non-changeable) ultra-secure database and storage functionality, personal anonymity (you are a huge number and can have “handles” only when and where you want followers), and transparency – everyone can see that you participate, as well as whenever you are followed or discarded. They just don’t know who you are, unless you want them to know. The portion of the SecureX Vault and/or Wallet simply provides a trusted containment for, in addition to your crypto currencies, a pivot (and score keeper) for your personal relationship with each of your opted-in SecureX Domain Trusts.
This SecureX Layered Web of Trust by Consensus underpinning (natural vote-like relationship tracking) will ensure that “if I trust you, then I’m more apt to trust those that you trust”…. thus, without middleman businesses or the related fees, these Blockchain-linked relationships will automatically watch, rank and disclose the most trustworthy Products (, the most trustworthy Companies (, the most trustworthy Reporters – media reporters and critical-thinking Citizen watchers alike (, the most trustworthy Candidates (, the health, well-being and resource wealth of a Community on several levels (, the health, well-being and resource wealth of our planet (,
and so on and so forth….