In my role as Executive Director of the nation’s Digital Currency Association in Washington, D.C., it has become abundantly apparent to me that this Pandemic has us now arriving at an amazing junction. As we emerge from this crazy rehearsal, we will find our world will have moved from the chaos that is now an internal, Dystopian nightmare, to a globe that is connected and managed externally, from a ring of enabling, Utopian technologies.
Having been on the Education side of the myriad of ever-evolving U.S. Institutions for most of my career, this new paradigm will marry virtual currencies with virtual learning with a veritable feast of new and sexy virtual freedoms. Many of these new things and processes will appear soon to appease our world “out there,” with little or no regard to our health “in here”. It will be most important to maintain our grounding practices. For me, it is my TM meditation practice that will become more important, not less.
Our new SecureX offerings will populate a menu of features for the retooling and authenticating of most social institutional roles, beliefs and understandings, and the REAL data that binds them ~ a truth for which the Blockchain is uniquely qualified to amass and validate.
My interests are clearly morphing to a laser-sharp intersection: Digital Currency, Digital Institutional Platforms (SecureX Trusts), Digital Education ( & TM. I suspect that your interests are similar, thus I’ve directed you to this message.
If you are reading this it is because you were given this direct link on our website. It is intentionally hidden from normal navigation, and was specifically prepared to give a timely overview to folks considering joining our collaborative movement to help us fund and manage it. You were hand picked because we know the value you can bring to the effort.
We hope you agree.
Thank you for considering us,
–Rick Shaddock,
Blockchain Director of Education
SecureXVault LLC