109 East 17th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001blockchain@SecureX.com

Funding and Strategic Partner Search

Dear person with interest:

Our company incorporated in 1997 as a Web 2.0 (centralized database) business venture, successfully rode the Dot-Com wave, and then we decided to put her on mothballs at the 2000 Dot-Com implosion. We resurfaced just short of two decades later with the introduction of the Web 3.0 (decentralized) Blockchain. While DeFi is the obvious default user/abuser of the Blockchain, we have endeavored to ignore the Crypto noise and, instead, have focused on planning decentralized, autonomous yet transparent blockchain solutions for real people with real needs.

Our timing for this request for resources, from either yourself or someone whom you know and can refer to us, is coupled with the world’s recently acquired significant increase in awareness regarding global tyranny. Thus, we find ourselves raising resources by presenting to “investors” in the “Public” arena, while simultaneously sliding our operations over into the “Private” arena as a Ministry, with the related Private Membership Association (PMA) and token governance thereof.

Our solution at hand, the SecureAgora initiative, is one of many freedom solutions on the Bitcoin blockchain that we’ve planned for the future.  (See assortment of blue box links on the right).  SecureAgora is real and will assist “freedom cell” communities that are Exiting the beast system and Building their parallel, self-sustaining villages, systems and related economies. SecureAgora will generate significant returns for those that provide the resources we need to finish building this initiative, but not in a typical “investor” fashion.

We believe our partner that we seek is a fed up Anarchist, done with the criminal activities of the powers that be,  whom has no problem putting his/her resources to work at making a difference.

We have invested $250k so far in this initiative, creating our Tech Stack and a prototype of our wallet. The SecureX Wallet is the foundation platform required for the SecureAgora initiative (see link below), as well as any other freedom tools we choose to create and launch from the wallet down the road.

To fulfill initial demand for SecureAgora by said exiting freedom cell communities, we have launched a centralized version of the Energy Exchange Ledger, otherwise contained within the decentralized SecureAgora app.  Thus we can deploy a beta app while we simultaneously raise resources to complete the decentralized wallet/app pairing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this request.  Please let me know of your continued interest,

Nick Nicholson,
formerly in the public realm: CEO, SecureX Technologies, Inc.,
status corrected now in the
private: Ritual Elder, SecureSovereign Ministry.


Benefactor Pitch Deck: www.pitchdeck.SecureAgora.com