109 East 17th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001blockchain@SecureX.com


Dijana Kaludjerovic

Diane was the Artistic Director on Microsoft and Logs System. She was the Developer on one of the first software with cards programs for the elite with the government of Montenegro and the former Yugoslavian government. She was the first illustrator for the Daily Press.

Diane is SecureX’s social media expert.

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Akex WT

Alex WT

Alex has been involved in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain business industry and marketing development for years. He is currently active in many Blockchain Advisory roles with top Blockchain projects in major areas within the Blockchain industry.

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Kristine Smith

Kristine Smith

Ambassador for outreach and impact campaign working with policymakers on reforms such as default shared parenting, increased use of mediation and child support reform.

Parental rights advocate for fit, loving and capable parents to have 50-50 custody.

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